Friday, January 15, 2010

The Male Factor

The Male Factor

The Unwritten Rules, Misperceptions, and Secret Beliefs of Men in the Workplace


Shaunti Felhahn

My Thoughts:

Every woman who works with men in any capacity should read this book. No exceptions.

It doesn't matter what you were taught in business school, how well you think you are accepted by the 'old boys club', or how many glass ceilings you have crashed through, I bet you are making serious mistakes that are impacting your effectiveness on the job.

Shaunti Feldhahn has gotten into the heads of the men we work with and has learned the things they will never tell us directly. Not because they don't want to -- but because they didn't really know how to explain what was different. Based on years of research and anonymous interviews, this book reveals what men really think about the way women operate in the workplace and why we aren't as successful as we could be.

Using concrete examples, practical suggestions, and honest quotations, this book will allow women to understand the unwritten rules they are breaking and learn ways to make subtle changes in the ways they speak, interact, and present themselves that will make a tangible difference immediately. This book will be a resource for my training of women in the future and will be recommended to all my women business friends.

Learn more about this book at Shaunti's website.
You can purchase the book at the Multnomah Books site.
A copy of this book was provided by Multnomah Books for this review.

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